Nobody's Perfect

In re Petition of Fishermen’s Atlantic City Windfarm, LLC, 2015 N.J. Super. Unpub. LEXIS 1265 (App. Div. May 29, 2015).  This not precedential decision, issued last Friday, May 29, addresses issues relating to whether the decisions of the Board of Public Utilities to reject an application of the petitioner under the New Jersey Offshore Wind Economic Development Act, N.J.S.A. 48:3-87.1 to -87.2, were arbitrary, capricious, or unreasonable.  The Appellate Division concluded that they were not and affirmed those rulings.

The typed version of the opinion states that the appeal was argued on “March 24, 1015.”  Litigants often feel that appellate decisions take forever, but that “argued” date would mean that over 1,000 years elapsed between argument and decision, surely a record in the annals of jurisprudence.  Obviously, the correct oral argument date was March 24, 2015.  The LEXIS report of the case makes that correction.  But this shows that even the Appellate Division, like so many of us lawyers, can make a mistake and allow it to slip through into the finished product.