My Interview on "The Bold Sidebar" Podcast

Jeff Horn is an attorney in Toms River. He is the host of a podcast called “The Bold Sidebar.” Jeff summarizes the topic of that podcast as “all things New Jersey Supreme Court.” In over 80 installments of that podcast, he has discussed opinions of the Court and interviewed such persons as retired Justice Gary Stein, Seton Hall Law Professor John B. Wefing, and Alexander Shalom (who is, like me, one of the few New Jersey Fellows of the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers).

An interview with me will go up on July 13. Jeff and I discuss a group of Supreme Court cases, some of which have been decided and others of which are yet to be argued. The subject matter of those cases ranges from a consumer class action (in which I am one of the counsel) to a notorious murder case to a palimony case implicating the Statute of Frauds. There is even a case addressing whether the three-day attorney review clause that the Court mandated in 1983 for inclusion in residential real estate purchase contracts is required for auction sales of property. I will post a link when it becomes available.